Saturday, January 4, 2014

Information Systems and the Modern Organizations

·         Competitive advantage is to be the most competitive among all other businesses.
·         A company must know how to handle all pressures when starting to do a business.
·         When starting to do any business we have to think about it globally not local only.
·         Business process provides the companies steps to be more efficient.
·         Market pressure is selling your products at a lower price than your competitors to beat them.
·         Technology pressure is using modern technology to succeed.
·         Business environment is always changing because of the globalization.
·         Globalization is about discovering the world:
1-      Globalization 1.0 is very difficult
2-      Globalization 2.0 says that even if you are far I can come to you.
3-      Globalization 3.0 the whole world becomes a small village.
·         Powerful customers have more knowledge and they're informed.
·         Flatteners assume that the world is flat which means all people can communicate with each other
·         Steroids are about using enhanced technology to make work faster.
·         A company should be better that its competitors to survive and stay in the market.
·         Internet increases the threats of new entrance because it provides many other substitutes for the customers.

·         Any business that wants to be competitive and better than its competitors must focus on the low cost and new products to make its customers happy.

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