Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ethics and Privacy

·         Grades, salaries and ROP can be good examples of private information.
·         Utilitarian approach gives more goods than bad.
·         Rights approach is not giving private information to anyone without taking permission.
·         Fairness approach is giving your information to the society because it is beneficial.
·         Codes of ethics are the rules of ethics.
·         What is unethical is not necessary to be illegal.
·         Stealing people's information is considered to be unethical.
·         Breaking any law is considered to be illegal.
·         Privacy issues are about keeping the information private.
·         Accuracy issues means that information must be accurate and complete.
·         Property issues are about knowing the owner of the information.
·         Accessibility issues means that only you can see your information not others.
·         The society has more authority then the individuals on the private information.
·         Digital dossiers are private files and documents but in a digital form.
·         Examples for electronic surveillance: cameras, scanners and satellites.
·         Opt-out model is referred to a company which collect information from you unless you tell them not to do that.

·         Opt-in model means that you are not allowed to collect the personal information.

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