Saturday, January 4, 2014

Information Security

·         Security systems help to stop viruses and others to enter the software.
·         IT can protect hardware, buildings and information.
·         Hackers create programs that makes systems down or not working properly.
·         Cybercrime is done over the internet by group of people.
·         We must have a server when creating any network.
·         Firewalls are like gates for protection.
·         Unintentional threats happen by mistake because of the carelessness.
·         Examples of unintentional threats:
1-      Leaving the work for a while and going somewhere.
2-      Deleting, sending and copying a file by mistake.
·         Most dangerous employee who was working in the security department and left the job.
·         Consultants are people who come from outside and work for a specific task so they might know the private information of the company.

·         Deliberate threats are international threats when someone wants to go to your system and steal it.

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